A pioneer of legal sociology in germany was max weber . 德国法律社会学的先驱是马克斯韦伯。
Simmel had developed a sociological perspective which exerted a great influence on subsequent german sociology especially that of max weber . 齐美尔所提出的社会学见解,对其后的德国社会学,尤其是马克斯韦伯的社会学影响甚巨。
Logical way of max weber ' s rationalization theory 浅析韦伯的法律形式合理性理论
Analyze max weber ' s theory on rationality of law form 韦伯论中国的社会和宗教
Ration and rationalization thoughts in max weber ' s sociology 韦伯理论体系中的理性精神
The theory of max weber : limitation and misuse in china 韦伯理论的局限及其在中国的误用
A pioneer of legal sociology in germany was max weber 德国法律社会学的先驱是马克斯?韦伯。
Max weber and studies of ancient history 马克斯183 ;韦伯与古代史研究
Max weber on rule of law and confucianism 韦伯论近代法治与儒家伦理
Methodological base for max weber ' s 1864 - 1920 studying law sociology 韦伯法律社会学研究中的方法论基础